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1.1 About

CircleCI Prettier code style Deploy to Heroku

Modern, lightweight, planet-scale link shortener for teams 🎉

Easy to setup, connect with your org's SSO, hook up analytics, and extend!

Blink is a link shortener that is:

  • Simple and Lightweight: the simple "base" architecture means you can literally host it for free, and maintenance is easy.
  • Planet-Scale: you can host Blink alone for simplicity, or put a CDN in front of it to scale out Blink and easily plug in your own analytics!
  • For Teams: external identity/SSO via OIDC/OAuth support is baked right into Blink; no need to pay $$$$$ or hack together SSO support via reverse proxies! Plus, baked in access control (RBAC)!
  • Extensible: not only does it have a REST API, but it also allows you to integrate it with public applications by protecting API calls with OAuth2!


Link shortening
Link shortening
Link management
Link management
User management
User management

For development, see the GitHub repo's README

This project is based off of Express-Objection-Template, and heavily uses objection-authorize and objection-hashid to drive much of "hidden" logic and make isomorphism possible.